Well, there was a record number of students in attendance at Saturday’s workshop…30 in all. What was the draw? Was it the new location… the lovely home of Alda and John Zerio? Was it the subject of the workshop…shimputai shoka? Was it the very sunny, if brisk weather…in the 60s? Or was it, almost certainly, the annual visit of our favorite guest sensei…Jeanne Holy (who was escaping terrible winter weather back in Illinois)?
After an informative tour of the Zerios’ gorgeously tailored Japanese garden, we got down to work creating some very original shoka shimputai arrangements. Jeanne taught us how to add “bounce” to our shu, yo and ashirai arrangements. The number and types of materials available was almost daunting, but eventually everyone found a flower or stem that “spoke” to them. This became the central “character” in the arrangement. Then it was on to the yo, or “supporting actor (s).” And finally the ashirai “the very important bit players” were added. And after Jeanne got through critiquing our creations, we all went home with a totally original, thoroughly modern shoka shimputai to adorn our favorite table or nook or shelf at home.
Congratulations to all our members who received certificates!
Linnéa Storm received her certificate for Level 12, Sokakyo, Professor of Ikebana from her sensei, Pat Maguire.
Congratulations Professor!
Linnéa Storm presents Yoly Hughson with her certificate for level 5, Kasho, Teacher’s Assistant.
Linnéa Storm presents Shelly Dessen with her first two certificates. Shelly now holds the Shoden Diploma.
Linnéa Storm presents Daira Legzdina with her third certificate. She now has the Chuden Diploma.
Pictures from the Shoka Shimputai Workshop