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Lauren Toth

Lauren is the President of the chapter. Lauren’s interest in flower arranging came from her involvement with roses. As an accredited ARS horticulture and arrangement judge, she felt the need…

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Wanda LaLoggia

Wanda LaLoggia first discovered ikebana when she came across an ikebana exhibit at a hotel in Des Moines, Iowa.  When she returned to Phoenix, she tried to find more information…

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Connie Scholl

Connie Scholl is our treasurer.   Connie has an Assistant Teacher certificate in Ikenobo.

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Susan Quinn

Susan Quinn

Susan Quinn grew up in New York studying graphic arts, which she uses in her Ikebana. Those of us who have seen the detailed drawings of her Ikebana designs are…

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Linnéa Storm

Linnéa is a past president of our Arizona Chapter and now serves as our advisor.   She has twice studied at Ikenobo Headquarters in Kyoto.  She has been a docent at…

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Shibani sangelkar

Shibani Sangelkar is our newest board member.  Shibani believes in integrative nutrition, and Ikebana offers her a way to slow down, breathe and bring balance in her life by being…

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