Linnéa Storm, sensei, started the workshop with a caution that participants need to be familiar with the nine main yakueda of rikka shofutai before attempting a rikka shimputai. Unlike shofutai, shimputai is not a landscape and needs no “do” to cover all the wiring. And the mizugiwa is lower.
When arranging rikka shimputai, shu (the stem which is the most striking or most appealing to the arranger) is chosen first. Then a harmonizing yo is chosen. Everything else is ashirai. And three ashirai must be included…shoshin, maeoki and tome. After that, the arranger just needs to decide if there is a need for “that one” extra element that makes the arrangement perfect.
Check out the workshop photos to see if you can determine the arranger’s intent…which stem is shu, which is yo and which are the three necessary ashirai. Have fun!