It’s so nice to sit in the shade of the old elm trees and, in this case, work with our personally chosen, oh-so-lovely roses from the Mesa Community College Rose Garden to create some wonderful freestyle arrangements.
We are very lucky to have one of the Garden’s docents, MaryLou Coffman, as a member of our Ikenobo group. It’s only because she is a docent, that we are able to cut roses from anywhere in the Garden. Everyone else is forbidden to cut the
roses. (So, if you go there on your own, remember, you can look, but you CANNOT cut!)
MaryLou and her docent partner started the workshop with a tour for the day’s dozen participants. So many colors and types of rose to look at. We were especially impressed with the roses in the military remembrance section with roses dedicated to each branch of the Services. Then, it was either listen to a short Jiyuka lecture by MaryLou, or immediately start in on our creations, surrounded by the lovely scent of the roses. The shady surroundings, the rose colors and scents decidedly added to our creativity and all participants went home happy with their Easter day creations.