May Uttal

May 28th, 1930 – April 15th, 2023

On April 15, we lost a dear friend, fellow Ikenobo practitioner, and intrepid interpreter during our Japanese professor visits.  She suffered a fall just before Christmas, injured her brain, went through surgery and made a valiant effort to recover.  And she almost succeeded.  As some of you know, she started doing arrangements once again, at home with her Ikenobo partner, Margaret Michel. She started walking again and even took trips to Trader Joe’s and Fry’s.  But at almost 93, fate intervened, and she passed away very quietly on April 15.

May and Bill Uttal, her husband of 63 years were intrepid travelers, exploring every continent in this world, visiting as far north as the Arctic and as far south as Antarctica. May was an expert in Asian art and a talented artist. Throughout her life, she worked in many media including pottery, weaving and sumi-e or Japanese brush painting. She was adept with her hands creating beautiful needle point and Winnie-the-Pooh story book stuffed animals for her 7 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. Her aesthetic was expressed in her beautifully decorated home in Ahwatukee where she lived for 34 years with Bill. May has left her spirit, vitality and legacy in her three daughters, Taneil, Lynet and Lisa.

Take a moment to think of your favorite May memories, of her wit and wisdom and willingness to share her flower and kimono knowledge from her years in Japan. RIP, May Uttal.