March 24th, 2024 Rose Garden Workshop with Lauren Toth
Our best wishes go to Marylou Coffman who was unable to lead our usual rose garden workshop. But participants were very lucky to have sensei Lauren Toth, “the infamous rose curator” (as she was introduced by President Wanda) to take her place. We were also lucky to have MCC gardener Leroy to take us on a garden tour as we picked roses for our arrangements.
Sensei Lauren started with a demonstration of shoka nishuike, using roses for the tai section of the arrangement. She then switched to a freestyle (jiuka) arrangement, using a large yellow rose as its focal point. She then put together an arrangement for the raffle. In a large round orange container, she again used roses (yellow and orange) as focal points.
Before the seven participants started work on their own creations, sensei Lauren reminded us of the important parts of freestyle…line, surface, mass and points. All arrangements were done with the roses selected earlier, plus a wide selection of additional materials to use to add color and texture. See photos for everyone’s after-critique final arrangements.
A great many thanks to sensei Lauren for a well-prepared presentation.