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Linnea Storm

How good is your Japanese?  Do you know the meanings of “tate” OR “naname” OR “yoko”?  Students who attended Ikenobo president Linnéa Storm’s second free style summer camp workshop not only learned these words, they got to practice “vertical,” “slanting” and “horizontal” (see preceding) arrangements focusing on “surface” materials. They chose between single insertion or multiple insertion points and added their own ideas of balance and harmony.  Finished and critiqued creations were beautiful expressions of each arranger’s imagination and each flower’s life.  Ikenobo at its best!

Yoly Hughson

Connie Scholl

Dairia Legzdina

Iris Cashdan-Fishman

Iris Cashdan-Fishman

Lauren Toth

Linnea Storm

Linnea Storm

Margaret Michel

Michele Nguyen

Marylou Coffman

Marylou Coffman

Marylou Coffman

Toby Schmich

Marylou Coffman

May Uttal

Daria Legzdina

Yoly Hughson

Lauren Toth

Connie Scholl

Lauren Toth

Daira Legzdina

Margaret Michel

May Uttal

Yoly Hughson

Yoly Hughson

May Uttal

May Uttal

Michele Nguyen

Shelly Dessen

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